#LoveItorLeaveIt Guarantee

We take the risk out of buying a home by offering you our Love It or Leave It Guarantee. Buy a home with confidence, knowing that if you don’t absolutely love it within the first 12 months, we will sell it for free on our side and help you find a new home. We put our money where our mouth is and will make sure we find you the best home that meets your budget-or we sell it for free for you.

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About Us

As top REALTORS® in Sioux Falls, The Amy Stockberger Team has helped thousands of home buyers find the home of their dreams that matches their budget. Our services are completely FREE to the buyer for all homes listed on the Multiple Listing Service. And, not only are we equipped with over 43 years of combined experience, the synergy of having such a large team gives us the knowledge of fabulous homes that are for sale that aren’t even on the market yet.


Why You Should Work With Us

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